
The Recorder Home Page By Nicholas Lander : exhausistive. One either finds whats he is looking for, or the links to answer any questions one may have. In fact, a real encyclopedia on recorder. In English.



ERTA-France : European Recorder Teachers Association, in France, created in january 2010.



Pascal Premier and Quazzipi Recorder Trio : a young French recorder players trio, nice and talented.



Valéry Aubertin : one of today's great composers.



L'ensemble vocal Cori Spezzati : directed by Olivier Opdebeeck, this 24-singers ensemble performs mostly 17th and 18th centuries vocal music.



L'ensemble vocal Anguelos : ensemble vocal Seine-et-Marnais que j'ai rejoint en 2009. Il se distingue à la fois par son ambiance conviviale et par l'exigence dans le travail, grâce à son chef, Valéry Aubertin, organiste et compositeur de renommée internationale.